The Beginning!

Kritika : Three months ago, on a phone call with DrishtiI casually said that lets come up with something of our own.

To which Drishti replied, yes we can but what should we come up 

with ….

Two to three weeks later, again this conversation popped up and this time the willingness to do something was not casual like before.

We both started to give it a serious thought and again we were stuck with the same question of what we should come up with.

After days of random conversation, after rejecting hundreds of ideas, we somehow reached to the level of certainty about what we actually wanted to come up with.

Reading and writing have always remained our area of interest and Drishti and I decided to transform this raw idea of ours to something real.

Since , that day  once again the same old process of long conversations on phone started but this time unlike before the matter of discussion was not WHAT should we come up with rather it was replaced by HOW should we come up with  and WHY should we actually do this.

Today is the day when all these questions have got their answers, this ending of questions /answers has set us on the birth of new journey with the final launch of CRUMSUM.

We both sincerely hope and pray that more chapters of interesting story keeps getting added to the journey of CRUMSUM and in order to achieve this we wish to enlarge our family of readers and writers with every step that we take.


Drishti: Crumsum’s technical being was a process of  Hit & Try , thousands of websites to chose from and finalising Blogspot . The exact destination for all that we needed. The never ending battles behind logo selection, setting up of theme to layout designing and the list goes on. But this was a whole lot of new experience and trying something that I have never done before and this process has been very delightful. Kritika keeps herself busy in many other workshops and channels she couldn’t contribute that much into the technical setup but was very supportive in selection of  other things and did not let Crumsum be felt as a secondary option. The discussions were endless and coming to a conclusion was tough. I feel  continuous Persistence and patience led us to the birth of this family.
A family of yours and mine.

Hope you would ride with us and unleash our more stories .

       Lots of love 

Kritika and Drishti 

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  1. A very good thought.Keep up your spirits.

  2. Great going guys
    Expecting more blogs and that too frequently from you guys

  3. Keep it up..sure of your grand success!!

  4. Great work , Wish you more success.


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