Broken Hearts Still Beat , Broken People Still Live !

Broken Hearts Still Beat,
Broken People Still Live.  

When you sit and think,
When you keep the phone aside,
Just you and your thoughts with no one else around,
These thoughts bother you,
Thoughts about the strangeness of the world.

Thoughts about the strangeness of people,
people who hurt you with deeds and kill you with a smile,
people who were old friends but they lost touch now,
People with whom you have had deep conversations,but they lost touch now.
Strangeness of people,

The fact that these people have been a part of your life doesn't hurt,
what hurts is the fact that they don’t even smile when they see you,
just because you lost touch....

But the truth remains hidden in those deep late night conversations, and the truth is that each person had a spot in your life, and if they leave that spot, no one , I repeat no one can fill that spot.

But you and your thoughts make a pact with each other, they go the way you want them to go. And you come to terms with the lie that, they left their spot and now that spot doesn't exist.

You come to terms with the fact that they never broke your heart, when they stopped talking to you.
And you start believing that 
'Broken Hearts Still Beat,
 Broken People Still Live'

But there's a question that I have, 
Is this living and beating all we exist for........?

                              - Sahtir


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