Each Passing Day - Ananya Singh

Each Passing Day  

I wake up, attend my class, eat then sleep. I will do the same tomorrow and day after and after.

Sometimes I feel a routine makes my life a little monotonous and boring.

With each passing day I see my purpose of attending class fading away and then it leads to me questioning why I wake up everyday.

Why I have thoughts of existential crises when I am just 17. It makes me think and think but never have I ever arrived at a conclusion.

So I thought maybe giving myself goals might help. I started reading books,started watching documentaries, I believed it would help me increase my knowledge and give me a fresh perspective and honestly it did.

But still the void in my head never went away, I kept feeling that something was still missing, I didn’t feel whole as I used to.

Then after much introspection I realised that I had given up on myself, I had given up the desire that I can do something new, something better all by myself.

I would doubt myself for even small tasks, I felt I would mess it up, So I stopped trying to do new things, So that I don’t damage what is already there.

But when I sit here telling you how I feel, I think it is good to try and be open to making mistakes rather than have a feeling of nothingness and considering yourself worthless.

So in all I am glad that I have made mistakes and will make it tomorrow too because then I know that I am trying and have the will to learn from it.   

                                                                                       - Ananya Singh 


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